Friday, August 19, 2011

I Complete You?

“You complete me?” What does that even mean? Was part of you missing? Or what part you of you am I?

I know, I know. This is a "very romantic" scene from Jerry Maguire, and most girls would gush if a guy were to say that to her. And of course it seems romantic after listening to a group of women complaining about their men and love life. And having Tom Cruise come in, well anything he would say after that would sound romantic! But really? I complete you? I am not so sure I want a man that isn’t whole himself…

And I have heard the expression “my other half”. Again, I have issues with this saying. I am a whole person. I would hope to date a whole person. Two incomplete people in a relationship just sounds like a recipe for disaster. I understand the sentiment that these phrases are trying to convey, I guess I just don’t find it romantic the way it comes out. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being someone else’s other half; I would like to be my own person, thank you. And I would like to define and complete a relationship, instead having my relationship defining me or making me feel like a complete person.

Is there another way to relate the sentiments these men are trying to express….? How the heck am I supposed to know… I am single! Your thoughts?


Suey said...

Maybe it's just that they want to say that since you've been around, if you were to go, they would feel like something was missing. ? Maybe?

Maybe they mean that with you they feel more balanced and steady? Maybe?

Hmmmm... I have no idea....

Rachel said...

I must say that just having spent an entire month away from my husband puts this saying in perspective for me. It wasn't until we got home to our own house and settled back down into "real life" that I realized that the saying is slightly true. Yes, part of me was missing without him there.